Arhivă pentru ianuarie 2009


NutLine – World Domination

alix: si SEMINTE coae
Andruska: :))
Andruska: NUTLINE
alix: seminte
Andruska: ba esti nebun
Andruska: tu ai observat ca aia frate
Andruska: au monopol?
Andruska: sa mor
Andruska: e singura firma klumea
alix: pun pariu ca e un evil plan al lor
Andruska: nu au concurenta
Andruska: e pula
Andruska: sunt romani
Andruska: nu jidani
Andruska: :))
Andruska: fa rost de 50 de mii de euro
Andruska: si deschidem fabrica de semintye
Andruska: facem o afacere
alix: peste ceva ani cand toata lumea va cumpara NUMAI nutline ei vor pune ceva in ele ce vor transforma oamenii in niste zombii controlati de un dispozitiv si vor controla lumea
Andruska: nu frate…vor controla numai micorbisti si femei casnice
Andruska: nu prea e combinatie
Andruska: :))
alix: bravo mah
alix: poi
alix: microbistii ii vor omora pe aia care nu baga nutline
Andruska: aoleu
Andruska: ratatu ala de basescu mananca seminte
alix: si nu o sa mai existe futai ca totate femeile sunt casnice
Andruska: pisamas
Andruska: we’re fucked
Andruska: eeee
alix: crezi ca pruteanu nu mnca nutline
Andruska: pfoa….si a murit!
Andruska: e clar
alix: sau crezi ca patapievici nu manaca nutline
Andruska: aia sunt de cina
Andruska: :))
Andruska: patapievici cred ca mananca mai mult decat nutline
Andruska: adica
Andruska: coae
Andruska: si puli
alix: cand enstein a zis evrika ce crezi ca spargea in dinti?
Andruska: hmmm…semintele „Steaua”
Andruska: hai ca le sti
alix: :))
Andruska: le-ai prins
alix: dap
Andruska: 500 de lei punga
Andruska: lux
alix: ambalaj rosu
Andruska: daaaaaaa
Andruska: moama
Andruska: cu bostan
alix: juma de punga era stricata
Andruska: lasa ma ca erau bune de aruncat pe fete
Andruska: le bagai in gura si le scuipai asa
alix: :))
Andruska: ca un gentleman
alix: oh yeah


Evil Plan

Congratulations on being the creator of a new

Evil Plan ™!

Your objective is simple: World Domination.

Your motive is a little bit more complex: Money

Stage One

To begin your plan, you must first seduce a wealthy heiress. This will cause the world to sense a grave disturbance in the force, overwhelmed by your arrival. Who is this criminal mastermind? Where did they come from? And why do they look so good in classic black?

Stage Two

Next, you must seize control of united nations. This will all be done from a space station, a mysterious place of unrivaled dark glory. Upon seeing this, the world will die in a way you just don’t want to think about, as countless hordes of robot warriors hasten to do your every bidding.

Stage Three

Finally, you must reveal to the world your armies of destruction, bringing about the apocalypse. Your name shall become synonymous with evil, and no man will ever again dare beat you up. Everyone will bow before your dashing good looks, and the world will have no choice but to make you their new god.

In cat suntem azi?Dar maine?

ianuarie 2009

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